tie game
Well, our first game of the season ended in a tie. Not a bad way to start the season, especially against a team whose average age couldn't've been more than 26. But really, the problem is that I haven't made time to keep myself in championship form. I blame it in part on the weather--whatever else it's been, the weather has not been especially conducive to advanced plans for outside activity. In slightly related news, I wonder whether researchers have proven that little bits of exercise all day long (in addition to OR in place of a focused aerobic workout) help keep your metabolism up. It seems, intuitively, like that should be the way the body works. I love living close to downtown and close to campus: the mile walk down to Coal Creek is just part of a day's activity for me; I don't even count it as exercise. Many days (especially in nicer weather), I get in four or five miles, just strolling around getting the bills paid. And honestly, now that I've...