
Showing posts from October, 2011
Going through some old files, I found this picture of my hand, clutching a delicious treat. Mmmm. I wish I was back in Vermont , eating a maple creemee . So delicious.

falling into winter

I like a description that can make an old song new again.  Here's what I am Fuel / You are Friends says about a song (one you've heard a million times before) on her fall mix: " sounds just exactly like twirling orange leaves drifting to the ground."  Mmm, that's nice.  Especially on a day, in Laramie, with six inches of fresh snow on the ground.

oh Wyoming fall

Today: 60s, breezy, and orange with the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot Prediction for Tuesday: 8 to 12 inches of snow, and a high of 27 Oh, Wyoming fall.  Why you gotta treat me this way?


This weekend I'll get to meet my new nephew.  Kaelen Quinn-Robert Chase.  Yay!