last friday i was lucky enough to play a little with birgit at the monthly jam. so tonight i went to listen to her group, black crow/white crow , at the campus beer garden, hoping to support a group whose sound i like a lot. anyway, the bassist for another band i like a lot was there, and i think he offended me. or, more accurately, i think he thought he offended me, basically for accusing university teachers of being too scared to actually get out there and do what they teach. his sentiment is aimed especially at the music dept., who i think he sees as upholding tradition at the expense of creativity and as pretending to do "objective" research about a field that is ultimately subjective. art, in his mind, doesn't belong in the university at all, and music professors are mostly cut from the cloth of those too scared to actually get out there and gig. so anyway, about ten minutes into his rant he said to me something like, "sorry if ...