
Damn! All my training is for shit! Here is a clever sign, but I can't explain why. Is this an example of irony? And if it's irony, is it dramatic irony? Or situational? Maybe verbal? Oh, the shame of being a member of Las Departamento de English and not being able to identify a smart rhetorical play when I see it! The shame!


B said… seems they're just playing off the one man/one woman verses & suggesting, you uphold that, but yet you don't uphold this verse? what kind of irony would that be? situational maybe...
Kaijsa said…
I saw that on the Stranger. I'd say it's more of an "Oh, snap!" kind of thing. It's calling them out on hypocrisy, but is a form of irony, I think. Like, it's ironic that the very text you're using to argue against gay marriage also condemns the majority of straight marriage.
Rick said…
Irony, says Merriam-Webster, is "incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result." So I think maybe Beth is right--the expected sequence of events is that Xans would weigh both sets of verses (anti-gay; anti-premarital-sex) equally, but instead there's a situational incongruity, in which one set of verses is nearly overlooked while the other is still used as justification for Phelpsish judgement and bigotry. Maybe? Do I get any bonus points for for using "Phelpsish" in my response?

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