
Showing posts from August, 2008
haven't felt too productive lately. not in meaningful ways, anyway. at least i've made a new coffee table. i told kaijsa i'd make her one for her birthday, in april. so, only four months late. yay for me.

Indian and outlaw

So I'm not camped out in Denver, hoping for the arrival of the Boss. And by the Boss, I mean Bruce Springsteen, not Barack Obama. Though maybe he'll become the Boss, too. But I am sitting at home, enjoying leftover Chicken Tikki Saag from Taj Masala, where Joyce and I had dinner on the way down to the Willie concert. It's in Golden, and not far off I-70, so I'm hoping that maybe this place will become an expected part of future trips to Red Rocks. I'm starting to understand why people are so in love with live shows. I've seen more live music in the last year than in the rest of my life before then--local bands at the Alibi's back yard, the Clumsy Lovers at Oyster Grass, Hoooo-tie and the Blowfish on campus (oh, yeah!), lazy Fourth of July at the Fire in the Sky, Will's band in Will's basement. All kinds of really rad stuff. And it's been great. Still makes me a bit melancholy--especially to hear Willie sing songs like "Angel Flying To...

willie nelson!

Joyce and I are headed to Red Rocks today to see Willie Nelson. Oh, yeah. Maybe Obama will make a surprise appearance on stage with Willie. I'm trying to think what Willie song would be an appropriate campaign song. Proly not "Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground" or "If You've Got the Money (I've Got the Time)" or "Nothing I Can Do About it Now." Maybe "Blue Skies" or "Living in the Promised Land," though--seems like they'd work out okay. I just heard today that Bruce is playing the DNC on Thursday. Maybe I'll just spend the next few days down in Denver. Bruce and Willie in one week? That would be awesome.

I like the Olympics

I don't remember watching much of the Athens games. But generally, I find the Olympics to be pretty worthwhile TV. For the most part I'm impressed by the humility--or the appearance of humility--of most of the U.S. athletes. Not the track stars, so much. But the swimmers and divers and gymnasts and Misty and Kerri at the beach volleyball pit--they all seem like pretty decent people. The Bob Costas guy, he's sorta annoying. And Al Roker and the Good Morning America crew: also a bit dorky. Bela Karolyi, though, that guy's awesome. I loved the footage of him watching Nastia's floor routine.


Until just now, I didn't realize it's been almost a month since my last post. I'm speechless, apparently. But, there's plenty to talk about. Upcoming topics: What if it's NOT really better in Wyoming and other travel tales about the northwest. The morons who post to the "Rants and Raves" section of Wyoming craigslist. Idiots! Olympic glory and other superheroes. Magical Thinking and Dr. Pepper enemas. But right now, it's bedtime.