
I bought a springform pan last night. In general I'm a minimalist when it comes to cooking and baking--not a big fan of recipes that require special equipment. But I'll making an exception when it comes to cheesecake. (I'm sure that, in a pinch, it would be possible to make do with less than a springform. Of course.) I don't know why I'm so excited about building a cheesecake, but I sure am.

Personally, I think that big cracks in the top of a cheesecake are a sign of success. Because the cracks make it obvious: this thing is for real, not some outta-the-box b.s. that is designed to look fancy but really tastes like cold cardboard and has the consistency of crystalized ice cream.

About the VT shootings: see my earlier posting. I think I cover my feelings adequately there. Except I should also say, I hate the media coverage during the first half-day after 'breaking news' happens, because the stations really don't have much new to add to the coverage, but they feel like they can't go back to normal programming, and so they just fill hours with repitition of the same old bullshit that they've already reported. They just keep playing the same cell phone video that really doesn't show anything, or talking to students at VT who don't really have anything to add, or whatever. I see that MSN has a link where I can go to 'add my feelings about the VT shooting.' Yeah, I'm gonna go do that.

Don't get me wrong: the shooting is incredibly sad. But it's not traumatic to me. And this is not because I'm a heartless bastard. I am thinking about what happened, and I am affected by it. But it's not going to consume my day. Sometimes I feel like the media tries to manufacture a sense of trauma around events. And the sense that something could've/should've been done differently ("The police were slow to react!" or whatever). Fact is, it happened, and I think that not much can be done to prevent senselessness of this type. There are nuts among us.


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