caped crusader

So on the way back from the clinic yesterday morning I passed by the shuttle stop at the university apartments. The UW physical plant guys were there, cleaning out glass because somebody had smashed out 7 or 8 of the glass panels at the shelter.

It's at moments like that that I wish I were a superhero. An avenger. A regulator. I'd bust the guy who did that in the kneecaps with a tire iron. Whack! Whack!

This is a more serious offense than, say, running a yellow light. Personally, I'd like to bust those people in the front headlights (whack! whack!), but this is probably just a personal preference, no great transgression in the grand scheme. Breaking out the bus stop glass, though, that's not cool in anybody's book. Why people gotta be like that?

I like that Willie Nelson guy. He sings:
Grandpappy told my daddy: Back in my day, son,
A man had to answer for all the wicked that he'd done.
Take all the rope in Texas, find a tall oak tree
Round up all of them bad boys, and hang 'em high in the street.
Oooh, for all the people to see.

There's a point at which appreciating the diversity of humanity makes a lot of sense. There's a point at which we should make an effort to understand the values and interests of others. And there's a point at which we should get out the tire iron. Whack! Whack!


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