2017: Year in review

Here are some things that happened this year:

1. Maggie and I got engaged!  Here we are before heading into Little Wild Horse Canyon, an amazing Utah slot canyon, where I proposed:

2. Maggie and I went to Iceland!  In January!  It was about the same temp there as it was in Laramie while we were gone.  But, Iceland also has volcanoes, and glaciers, and hot springs, and tectonic plates, and more!

3. I went to Baltimore and Tampa! For work travel this year, I presented at ACRL in Baltimore (spring) and LRA in Tampa (fall).  Both of these trips were first-time-visits for me, and I liked both places.  I was surprised by how much I liked downtown Tampa--I'd definitely go back!

4. We got to see Cirque d' Soleil!  No pics of this trip, but for Dad's 70th birthday we all (Sarah and Joel and the kids, Dad and Susie, and me and Maggie) went to Denver to see Cirque d' Soleil's Mexico-inspired "Luzia" performance.  It was all so amazing!

5. We finally visited Maggie's sister in Grand Rapids!  And we also visited Frank Lloyd Wright's Meyer May House, Wingspan, the Johnson office and research facility, and Taliesin.  Wowee!  Grand Rapids was neat, and all of the FLW stuff was neat, too!  And later this year, Colleen moved back to Laramie!

6. I went hunting for the first time in a decade!  No picture of a successful hunt this year, but here's a picture (I think...!) of the peaceful scenery where I got to spend some great time.

7. We saw the Great American Eclipse!  Maggie and I went to our friend Josh's parents' place near Pavilion--almost directly beneath the center line of the eclipse path. Here's a picture of a rescued raccoon crawling around Josh at the ranch:

8. I passed comps and defended my prospectus, published a book review, and co-edited a new virtual component of Journal of Literacy Research!  Most of my writing and research isn't very scenic, but I got to go to the AMK research facility in Grand Teton for a week and a half to work on my projects.  Maggie came up to visit, too, and we got to see grizzly bears!

9. We toured the Jelm observatory!

10. I went downhill skiing for the first times in almost 20 years!

11. We got a new patio!  Walter thinks this is just the most comfortable thing ever.

12. I canoed the Platte with a bunch of crazy guys in 35 degree weather!  Here's our campsite north of Sinclair, after we floated about 10 miles on the river.


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