Year in review: Work

Given the lack of posting this year, I figure I should at least pause now to look back over the big excitement of the year.  Making a list over dinner, I realize that there's been enough excitement to warrant several posts.  So, here's the first bit: work-related stuff.

  • A new short-term role, as the coordinator to help colleagues develop and revise courses for UW's new gen-ed "communication" courses.  This role runs through spring 2015 and has given me a chance to extend my own skills as well as meet lots of interesting, fun, great faculty and administrators across campus.
  • Travel to Virginia Tech and to Portland for conferences (CHEP and AACU)--and for a chance to explore some new places and ideas.  I'm glad to have caught up with my former colleague Kelly and also her husband Gary, who tragically passed away this fall.  Gone far too soon.  I'll remember Gary for genuine, infectious curiosity.
  • New colleagues.  The English department hired two new faculty--Arielle Zibrak (in Casper) and Mike Edson (who with his wife and daughter also happens to be our across-the-street neighbor).  So far, both of these new colleagues seem like outstanding additions who'll bring great new life for our programs.
  • Regional conferences in Cheyenne (WYDEC), Denver (DU "Writing on the Range") and Casper (a joint literature and composition version of the Teaching Writing in Wyoming conference I've now helped coordinate for the past several years).
  • A teaching award.  This is the second year in a row I've been awarded the Promoting Intellectual Excellence (PIE) award for inspiring curiosity in first-year students.  Best part is getting to read the comments of students who nominated me.  Second best part is getting a delicious pie.
  • A new publication.  Honored to be a contributing author on a article in the journal for the National Network for Educational Renewal, and to have been able to collaborate with some great colleagues.
  • Member of a couple hiring committees.  Despite massive departures from UW as faculty seek greener (better-paying) pastures, there are some exciting new arrivals.  It's been fun and informative this year to sit on two hiring committees--one at the beginning of the year, for a position in the center for teaching and learning, and one currently, to replace an administrative role in the department that's been empty for the past several years.  Both positions have lots of potential to move UW in the right direction, and it feels good to be a part of the decision-making process.
  • Though one of the key professors in the Literacy Ed program left UW for CSU, I continued to make slow progress in 2014 towards a PhD in the program. This summer I was lucky to participate in developing and facilitating workshops for K-12 faculty at Laramie and Rock Springs.  While in Rock Springs, I also took an evening to make a quick drive around Flaming Gorge--a part of the state where I've spent far too little time.  Here's a bit of evidence of its awesomeness:


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