a word i don't often use

asshat: that's a word that i rarely find use for in conversation or writing.

What i really don't understand is how a clown like this could get more airtime than, say, Libya.  Maybe that's an overstatement.


JPorter said…
But, you did not define it or how is is used in writing and speaking.

Dubois, WY
Rick said…
I guess the word follows a rule that my sister used to tell me: If I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand.
SarahC said…
So ... I kept waiting for someone to jump in with "Live from New York - It's Saturday Night!" ... but they never did. He's serious. Sad.
Rick said…
@Sarah: Watching the clip reminds me of seeing Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman, which DID turn out to be some kind of big joke, though. Somehow, I think Charlie ain't joking. Sad indeed.

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