
I haven't had much to say about Cowgirl basketball this year.  Like everything else, I'm not sure why it doesn't strike me as worth noting here lately.

Tonight: Cowgirl victory, a close game all night, but one in which they continue to show signs of improvement.

The sense of ownership is a weird thing.  If any team is "my" team, it's the Cowgirls--the only team I watch live, and the only team that I might follow-up on after out-of-town games to see how they did.  What do I gain by noting the development of the team, by spending my emotions on their efforts, by feeling that I deserve to share their joy in victory?  And, why does society, in general, encourage us to take on these investments?  And why do I feel a bit guilty that I'd consider not renewing my season tickets next year?

Ownership.  Weird.


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