Thoughts in french

"Ce n'est pas la peine de parler d'une histoire que beaucoup avant toi avec du talent ont deja racontee" -- Celine Ellena

"Ce qui vient au monde pour ne rien troubler, ne merite ni egard ni patience" -- Rene Char

These are a couple quotes from a book I've been working on, slowly, off and on now for two months or so. The book, The Perfect Scent, is a fascinating story about the world of perfume and, more largely, about art and commercialism and family and pressure to succeed. The book makes me appreciate scent more, too--the amazingly complicated, potentially expensive, often invisible real estate that surrounds us everywhere and yet often (at least in my case) is overlooked for more concrete and visible senses.

In translation, it's not worthwhile to tell a story that many with talent before you have already told and what comes into the world to disturb nothing merits neither attention nor patience. I find these two sentiments to be beautiful and simultaneously crushing: what story is truly worth telling?


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