two thing i like

i like doing dishes.  i don't like thinking about doing dishes, though.  i put the task off longer than necessary, usually, but when i'm actually doing dishes i find it relatively peaceful and satisfying activity.  i also like having the dishes done, and a clean countertop.  doing half of the dishes and then leaving the rest doesn't make sense to me, since it still leaves some dishes cluttering the countertop, and not much sense of accomplishment.  i've had two roommates now who could be categorized as "partial dish-doers": they would either just do their "share" of dishes, or they'd randomly quit at some point when they'd done "enough."  weird, if you ask me, but i suppose it's allowed me to recognize that i can't expect other people to share the same values for doing things that i have.  for a person who doesn't get any psychological benefit from doing dishes, i understand that the difference between doing 1 dish, or 2, or 20, or all of them, is pretty irrelevant. so why get worked up if the shares turn out to be a bit unequal, really?

i like winter in laramie like today.  fresh snow, crisp blue sky, and temps above 20.  no wind.  if winter in laramie were always like this, putting up with it for six months would be a joy.  i'm looking forward to shoveling the walks when i get home, a task i put off after the first bit of storm but that should be perfectly manageable this afternoon.


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