summer's passing

The autumn equinox is almost here, which means another summer's gotten away from me.  Seems like the stop-and-go work of the Census and the garage project took up a lot of time, and suddenly here it is, four weeks into a new semester already.  Until this week, I hadn't had my bike out to Happy Jack, nor had I been up the Medicine Bow Peak trail.

Happily, I was able to do both this week.  On Thursday, George and I went out and did a quick route from Tie City, about 40 minutes of riding.  Then, this morning, George and Melissa and I hiked to the peak, just under 4 and a half hours, round trip.  Then, green chili pizza at Bear Tree on the way back, and then a quick afternoon nap.  I have a feeling the fall is gonna pass as quickly as the summer has.

A photo of our day::


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