
Unofficially, 4pm on Friday marked the beginning of "summer." That was when my last class for the semester ended. (I still have 400 pages of grading ahead, so perhaps I should wait to call "summer!" until I've gotten all the final grades in....)

Officially, it doesn't feel "summery" in Laramie. It doesn't even feel all that "springery" in Laramie, to be honest. Melissa and I headed out for a hike at Vedauwoo yesterday, and we ended up just walking down the gravel road because there were still pretty good-sized patches of snow all around. The high for Friday was 38 degrees.

But it also doesn't feel summery in the sense of a great lifting weight, a great sense of freedom and the open road ahead. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing--I'm still definitely looking forward to the variety of this summer's work, and the possibility of some trips and house projects. But there doesn't seem like there's gonna be much of a break, as there usually is, between spring work and summer work.

I could really use a "reset" button right now, a chance to genuinely clear out the trash and start fresh again.

Step 1. Lock myself into my office and don't come out until the desk is clean. Then chain myself to the desk until the email inbox is cleaned out.

Small steps...


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