
This month I'm participating in another program to lower my 2011 health insurance premium. The program is about prepping for emergencies and disasters, and overall it's been a pretty crappy program, I think. I did get a little first-aid kit out of the deal, though, which came in handy when I sliced my finger chopping potatoes at the beginning of the month.

Additionally, today's word of wisdom seems pretty relevant to where I'm at these days:

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin.

It's funny--or maybe not funny at all--to discover that so much of what has felt like forward progress has just been a big circle--a different circle than before, but still one that has brought me back, in a lot of ways, to where I've already been.

But still, some signs of hope. On the bright side, I started learning the chords to "Tear Down the House" this weekend.


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