onward and upward

I'm sure I speak for all of KCWY13's viewers when I say, "We'll miss you, Kristen." Just when I was starting to know most of the names of the 6pm and 10pm anchors, Kristen Mosteller is apparently moving on to bigger and better things. Alas, we can only hope that B-Fitz and Walter Allen won't be next, though it does seem that they've also been strangely absent lately, too.

In related news, I thought KCWY's coverage of the Bill Ayers visit was underwhelming. This AP story reports that 1,100 people endured the high security measures in order to hear Ayers speak, which seems a decent number on a snowy spring evening in our town. As Ayers pointed out, without all the publicity the crowd would have likely only been about "30 education students, and half of them probably would've been texting." Though I'm ambivalent, still, about the initial selection of Ayers as a campus speaker, I'm mostly glad for the dialogue it's created: students have at least seemed at least marginally aware of issues larger than the nose-grinding end-of-semester cram that's otherwise occupying their time.

UPDATE: In breaking news (to me, at least), Walter Allen apparently left KCWY a few weeks ago. I hoped that a vacation to Cancun was the reason for his recent absence, but apparently not. My world is crumbling.


Kaijsa said…
I'm not surprised they both left, because I heard they're a couple. Mosteller is a terrible speaker, so I hope she has an off-air role in her new position, but I'm not holding my breath.

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