live in concert: the avett bros!

Well, the Avetts were every bit as good the second time around. My sister got me tickets back in January (a pretty damn good birthday present!), and she agreed to come along with me for the concert in Boulder on Wednesday. We found our way to Pearl Street, had some good Indian food in the basement restaurant next to the theater, and then listened to a great set of Avetts, despite the fact that they didn't play 'In the Curve' or 'Salvation Song' or 'Gimmeakiss' or 'Laundry Room' or my favorite-of-late, 'Tear down the House.' On the other hand, they did play 'If it's the Beaches' and 'Murder in the City' and 'I and Love and You' and 'The Ballad of Love and Hate,' and I guess when you've got a half-dozen amazing songs on every album it's hard to play all of the good ones in one concert. Here's a grainy clip of Scott playing the first two verses of the first Avetts song I ever heard:

Yeah, it was a good concert.


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