spring / yoga / the end

Sarah claims it's spring, and who am I to argue? I've been feeling that way myself for the past few days. Those old feelings of optimistic renewal and anxious restlessness are back, my faithful springtime companions. I notice this year, especially, how "battened down" I become in winter. Even doing the laundry, or taking out the trash, or any of a hundred other mundane necessary tasks become so much more of a drag in the winter. Or at least, they felt that way this winter. But spring: a sense of energy, a need to clean out the cobwebs, a feeling that it's time for some new life to come poking through the lingering beds of snow. Maybe some tulips.

Stephanie got Heath and Emily a classy vase of tulips to celebrate Blossom Yoga's new studio location. I got to see it when I went to the Foundations class yesterday. This marks the beginning of my yoga trial period. I'm making the minimal commitment of one class/week. So far, I like it, though much of yesterday's class was spent just trying to get the hang of breathing in time with various motions. Coordination: not my strong suit.

My old undergrad roommate, whom I've been thinking a good bit about lately, emailed me out of the blue the other day, simply to pass on a link to a song from the newish Pearl Jam album, Backspacer.

Gawddam. Eddie Vedder.


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