the destroyer

Micale's Mighty-Simple Beer Bread (AKA: 1,1,3,3. 1,350) is usually a hit. At pot-lucky events, people are usually pee-their-pants happy to see me show up with a warm loaf and some butter and jam and honey.

Tonight I discovered that perhaps the only thing better than Micale's Mighty-Simple Beer Bread is a tray of Fisher's Mighty-Simple Cheddar Beer Biscuits, topped with some turkey-sausage gravy.

I just destroyed the first helping; now i'm headed back for another plateful. As viva voce would say: 'We do not fuck around.'

Fisher's Mighty-Simple Cheddar Beer Biscuits (AKA: 1,1,3,3,1)

1 Tbl baking powder
1 beer (PBR works well! so does a thick porter! beer is good!)
3 cups flour
3 Tbl sugar
1 cup (ish) of grated cheddar (or whatever you like; I think a saltier cheese would be quite wonderful)

Heat oven to 325. Mix the dry ingredients. Pour in the beer. Mix until everything's moist. Work in the grated cheese. It'll be sticky. I used the end of my wooden spatular to chunk off an eighth-cup-sized (ish) ball of dough. Drop it onto a greased cookie sheet. Put it into the oven. Be patient. I didn't keep track of how long I let 'em bake, but let's say that you're pretty safe to set the timer at 30 mins and then start paying attention. It takes longer than you think. Or, at least, it takes longer than i thought it would, but i was pretty hungry.


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