
Apparently tonight was "romance night" at coal creek. Aside from me, a girl wearing headphones and working on a some schoolwork, two dudes sitting behind me in Carhartts and plaid button-downs and Justin lace-ups talking about ranching and politics, and the bearded prophet in the corner, the other tables were mostly populated with young couples apparently in the let's-try-it-on-and-see stage of love. You know it, that stage of love (or like, at least) which is characterized by a good deal of direct gazing into the other's eyes and much, vigorous, I'm-deeply-interested-in-what-you're-saying nodding of heads. That stage of love (or like, at least) which is characterized by the better-than-everyday-but-still-trying-to-look-casual clothes and hesitant gestures of thoughtfulness.

[Update, 2/21: Here's some fun evidence that I was right about last night being coffee-sponsored Romance Night. You have to read 2/17 and 2/20 to see the coffee-shop connection. Hee hee!]

A girl whom I dated in another life was one of the early-stage lovers, having coffee with a good-looking dude. It seemed to be going well for them, and actually for most of the others there tonight too. I wish them success.

In other news, the Casper news station just reported that a dude was arrested at Macy's for trying on ladies underwear in the fitting room and performing sexual acts on himself. His unfortunate last name: Decock. Poor bastard. I guess we can't all be winners on this romantic weekend.


tqe | Adam said…
I feel sorry for Decock -- he should have just bought the underwear and taken it home -- unless the potential of getting caught inside a changing room at Macy's is what did it for him, in which case his fantasy life is screwed forever...

When I moved out of Laramie in spring 98, I wasn't yet a coffee shop person, now I am. I was really happy to see that it was still there when I visited in October -- it's a nice shop with a comfortable atmosphere. I haven't been there enough to call it one of my global favorites, but it has that potential.

(My global favorites are in Bloomington, Indiana; Weimar, Germany, and Denver, Colorado -- and they have nothing in common except great coffee.)
Unknown said…
Was his first name "Jack?"

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