flashmob, pt ii

Wired News reports:

"To protest the use of the so-called Nacktscanner (naked scanner), members of the Pirate Party in Germany organized a “fleshmob” of people who stripped down to their skivvies last Sunday and converged on the Berlin-Tegel airport. ... There have been privacy and legal concerns raised about the invasive equipment, particularly because it’s unclear if the scanners would be able to detect explosives hidden in body cavities and would therefore likely provide only minimal security. ... The protesters marked their bodies with a number of messages such as, “Something to hide?” and “Be a good citizen — drop your pants."... Another woman dressed in a beige sweater and flesh-colored tights wears a sign reading “pixelated.” (To address privacy concerns, security officials say the scanners can be programed to produce a blurred, pixelated image of passengers to protect their modesty.)"

Thought #1: Brilliant idea!
Thought #2: Germany has a political party called the "Pirate Party"?!


tqe | Adam said…
Yeah! Germany has a Pirate Party!

The Pirate Party actually started in Sweden as a protest to stricter laws concerning copyrights over music/video/software on the net. It's extended into all kinds of privacy concerns and there are now Pirate Parties in a number of European countries. The one in Sweden managed to get two people elected to the European Parliament.
Rick said…
Maybe I'll change my party affiliation....

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