new haul

two years ago I brought home a wonderful poodle painting. it was a white elephant gift from the best christmas party in town. originally i'd selected an amazing large-print, noteb00k-page-sized TV remote, which was stolen from me in exchange for the poodle. i was, at first, disappointed about the forced swap (really, who prefers poodles over remote control of the television?), but over time i grew to love the painting--so much so that I couldn't stand to regift it last year--or this year, either. so instead i boxed up some randomness (owl potholders, spare change, etc.), and ended up with Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass AND "Background Music: Songs for Harmonizing" on vinyl. Yes, that's right: 45 rpm goodness. Since I don't have a record player, the albums will have to compete for wall space with the poodle.

In related news: if the bathroom remodel goes well, the poodle will likely lose its noble position next to the medicine cabinet. i imagine that my guests have been a little bit creeped out over the past few months by the voyeuristic eyes of a poodle as they did their bathroom business, but after a new paint job i think the poodle will no longer match the new look. i have a pretty good idea what i'll be wrapping up for the 2010 Kvenild Christmas event....


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