more sighs

Another passage from Bridge of Sighs: "He'd been expecting one kind of no and she'd given him another, a no that had some yes in it, and didn't include the humiliation he'd expected. ... How awful it must be, she thought, to ask for something you knew you'd be denied. How much courage it took to ask anyway, instead of just slinking away and adding this new refusal to the stew of countless others."


Kaijsa said…
That book is devastatingly amazing.
Sister said…
So, I'm currently on page 220. Here is a quote for you: "Is it any wonder our adult lives should be so haunted? Over and over we go up and down the alley between the theater and the dime store, as my mother and I did today, moving through space, yes, but also through time, meeting ourselves, as Owen always says, coming and going. How beautiful Sarah looked in that dress. How important it must have been to that Borough girl, who wasn't pretty, to undermine her beauty. How she must have wanted to tear that dress right off her.
When I see Buddy Nurt again, I'll offer him money for my father's jacket. I don't want him wearing it."
Rick said…
I told you it was a good book! :)

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