
This summer's been an odd one. I'm still trying to find a rhythm or pattern to it, but no dice. Something new or changing every few weeks, no set schedule, no major events to build towards. Just a lot of small pieces to put into place.

This weekend George came into town to help me put a new roof on the shed and till and seed the back yard. I'd planned in May to help him with a roofing project at his folks' place in Nebraska, but it didn't quite work out. Now it works out for me to go next Thursday and Friday.

This weekend is a trip to Fort Collins on Saturday to catch up with my friend Melissa--the one who's biking across country--who will be at a BBQ on Saturday and then riding in New Belgium's Urban Assault Ride on Sunday. This reminds me to find out if I need to bring anything else to her.

And I just realized that the Albany County Demolition Derby 2009 will be next Saturday at 7 pm. I missed out last year, and year-before was a muddy slow-motion disappointment. Hopefully Demofuckinlition Derby 09 will be a hit.

I generally appreciate the type of flexibility that this summer offers, but this year I feel drawn out and unfocused--like summer will be gone and the list of things-I-shoulda-done will overshadow the really great stuff that I have done.


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