great facilitator

Kaijsa and I are splitting a small vegetable share from the Grant Family Farms this year. Since K is out of town for the next two weeks, this means that I had the box of spinach, butter lettuce, baby beets, cilantro, and dill all to myself this week. I had dill on fish. I had roasted baby beets. Julie and I made a delicious salad on Sunday. I gave some cilantro to Katie.

Early this week, in an effort to use up more of the dill, I sliced some tomatoes I'd gotten from the store, then sprinkled dill and mozzarella over them, then baked them in the oven for a bit. Not bad.

Still, I had loads of greens. So on Tuesday I decided to throw a couple of leftover tomato slices onto a tortilla, top that with some butter lettuce and cilantro, and over all that I added a couple of fried eggs seasoned with salt, pepper, and chili powder.

I know it sounds terrible, but it was delicious. So delicious, in fact, that I had the same thing again for lunch yesterday. I think it works because, even though are a lot of different flavors going on, you only get a bite of one or two flavors at a time. And somehow the cilantro seems to work as a great facilitator between the flavors. Here's a picture of the masterpiece:


B said…
rick: in latvia, dill is the national food. when i lived there, the family i stayed with would slice cucumbers, top them with garlic butter then dill, and put them on toast. it's actually wonderful. you should try it! (or sometimes we subsituted tomatoes for the cucumbers.)
Anonymous said…
I'm drooling. How would that be if the eggs were fried in bacon grease and then topped with bacon? Everything is better with bacon.

-Jeff C

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