the day after...

My favorite reference authority (wikipedia, I mean) says that inauguration is "a formal ceremony to mark the beginning of a leader's rule. An example is the ceremony in which the president of the United States officially takes the oath of office." In other words, the MAIN EVENT of yesterday's multi-million dollar affair was, well, the oath. It's just a tiny bit funny, then, that Obama ended up retaking the oath, without reporters, Bible, or porta-potties--the ultimate low-cost version of an inauguration.

People who bitch about the cost of this inauguration should remember, I think, that much of the cost was related to the extremely high turn-out for our new president It's almost like people are excited about having this new guy in office (or maybe just happy to see the old guy leaving). Despite wide disagreement about crowd size, most media sources are saying there hasn't been a turn-out close to this since Lyndon Johnson's in 1965. And at least one source indicates that Bush's inagurations drew no more than 400,000 people--about HALF of even the most conservative estimates for the Obama event.)

Even funnier than the story about Obama's re-do, however, was The Onion's excellent coverage of the oath. Journalism at is best!

All hail the chief!


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