
it's odd how things change.

as much as i'm a fan of thanksgiving, i might've actually overdone it this year. i was full before we even started into the turkey on thursday. by the time family turkey came around sunday afternoon, i was almost immobile. of course i made a pumpkin cheesecake for each of the dinners, and of course everyone ate a piece, not because they needed one or because they were hungry but because it was there.

also part of the weekend was my old roommate jill's wedding, saturday afternoon in louisville (colorado, not kentucky). a really beautiful and well-planned event, of course: jill's good at this type of things. four attendants on each side. i didn't stay for the reception, since i hadn't brought a date, knew almost no one, and didn't figure i'd have much chance to talk to jill and ryan. and i felt out of my league, too; maybe i've lived in wyoming too long or maybe i'm just not classy. at least i didn't wear the carhartts, which i'd been considering right up until i jumped in the truck to drive down.

in mostly unrelated news, i envy decisive people.


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