impending death. more or less.

"Shopping in the face of death is escapism, especially for those with relatively low self-esteem," concludes a recent article on The article reports the findings of Naomi Mandel and Dirk Smeesters, whose study indicates that "mortality salience"--recognition of your own more-or-less impending death--makes you buy more stuff. This effect was first noticed after 9/11, but new studies also suggest that people who watch shows like CSI, Bones, and The First 48 Hours are more likely to consume (or think about consuming) food, drink, and other, uh, consumables. Like big screen TVs, fast cars, fancy perfumes, whatever. In other words, terrorism really IS good for business. It used to be that only the insurance companies (mostly, I guess) would capitalize on death, but this evidence makes me eagerly anticipate whole ad campaigns that subtly suggest my more-or-less impending death.
This news makes me think I should stop watching Bones and CSI. Right after I buy those new pillows I've been wanting. And some new shoes. And some chocolate. Mmm, chocolate.


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