Maiden Voyage

Last Friday, before heading off to Greeley/Boulder/Denver for the weekend, I took the XT out for its first real mission: some errands to the post office and bank and to pick up some groceries. Now that I've got the rack and crate mounted, it's a mean machine. Look, here's the bike with my groceries:
If you look closely, you'll see a hott! spray-paint job on that wire crate. Gray! And I found a sweet helmet to match! Gray! By the way, if you're shopping for motorcycle gear in the Denver area, I'd recommend Performance Cycle. After shopping unsuccessfully for soccer cleats at a half-dozen stores on Friday--and being disappointed by unimpressive customer service at each of them--the guy at Performance Cycle was great. Friendly and helpful and not condescending even though he was a high-performance crotch-rocket guy and I was a guy excited to have just u-bolted a milk crate to my otherwise stock dual-sport. Good customer service is hard to beat.


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