remarkably good

I just figured out the strumming for "The Cape." And I've nearly got "Falling Slowly" figured out too.

Will invited me out on Thursday to practice with his band. I'm pretty sure I won't make the cut. Especially since they're looking for a bass player and I don't. Still, Tawyna and Will were nice to have us out for brats and chips and macaroni salad since Undine Park was windy.

The Teaching Writing in Wyoming conference in Douglas was not everything I thought it could be. I stuck both feet in my mouth, within minutes of one another, when I was talking to the featured speaker at dinner. But I did get to talk to cool people. Very enjoyable. Honestly, it feels like something broke loose during this trip, like I've made a path through that block that has always gotten in the way of easy conversation for me. It's not that I'm suddenly Mr. Easy Conversation, I mean. But there was a point, talking to Janet on the way back, when I thought to myself, "This is a really interesting and enjoyable conversation and it's fun and I don't feel like I'm inferior or like I have to pretend or like I need to worry whether this is a dumb topic." All of you who've never felt this way should feel lucky for yourselves; there are only a handful of people in my world who I feel really comfortable talking to.

I'm a bit sad that I missed out on Drag Queen Bingo last night. Instead I watched 3:10 to Yuma, which was alright, and I got my glasses chewed on by Rebekah's puppy, which was my own damn fault but still.

Since it's now past midnight, I can say: sometime TODAY I will probably become an uncle!


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