hooker hips

Hooker hips put more glide in your stride.

That's what I learned last night at Brett's birthday party. Today I tested the claim and can confirm that it has some merit. Cass told me about the technique; she had learned it from an instructor at the skiing class she and Brett took this spring. It's funny that somebody can say to you at a party, "Hooker hips really helped me get better on the trails," and without much more discussion you can get up the next morning and put the technique to the test.

It's less funny that I can spend several class periods talking to students about the need to establish a context for their writing and wake up this morning to read a bunch of drafts that seem to indicate that I've been speaking German or piglatin or Mesopotamian during class time lately. There must be some equivalent to hooker hips that will make everything fall into place for them. I just have a hard time, lately, of talking to people in their own language.


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