sore bits

I had been thinking about heading to the Snowies today for a long midday hike, up near Barber Lake or further up toward Libby Flats or somewhere off the gravel that heads out towards Elk Mountain. Instead I was persuaded by my colleagues Carolyn and Meg to bike along a newly-opened section of rails-to-trails by Fox Park.

And as a result I discovered a new place to feel nearly alone. For the first hour I only had to share the trail with a coyote who trotted ahead of me for fifty or sixty yards before cutting down into the pines along the trail. Coming back I passed just one person, a woman wearing a bright orange vest who wished me a cheery good morning. In all I pedaled fifteen miles—certainly the longest bicycle ride I’ve been on in a decade or so. The trail, topped with loose gravel and pitched at a consistently moderate four-percent-or-less grade, managed to feel uphill both ways. I expected to see a moose grazing in one of the beaver ponds along the path, but no luck.


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