I got worms!

So, a package of worms arrived for me today. It seems sort of weird to pay 30 bucks for a pound of worms. It seems weird to think that the USPS delivered a pound of worms to my porch. I wonder what else people are mailing across the country. When I worked at the bookstore, a guy once brought in a package of horse semen to have shipped.

Anyway, I watered down the composting box and turned the worms loose. A pound of red wigglers (latin name: eisen foetida) is approximately 500-800 worms, by the way. They're tiny, maybe one-tenth the size of your average night crawler. But they can eat half their weight in kitchen scraps a day. Soon I'll be feeding them cucumber peelings, egg shells, apple cores, lawn clippings, and whatnot. Very exciting news. Now I've got to start thinking about how to protect my big investment when the temps drop next fall. Maybe I should also consider getting a lock for the worm box, to keep people from sneaking by in the middle of the night to poach my worms.


CassK said…
Worm poachers! The true villains of our age.

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