Veedauwoo in the fog

Note: it's spelled 'Vedauwoo.' I misspelled it long ago on this post but find that people find their way to my blog accidentally this way, so I'm leaving it. But, since I'm hoping you'll visit this amazing landscape: here's a decent, quick overview of the place, with a basic map and some pics. And here's my endorsement: it's a cool place.

Here's just a piece of Vedauwoo on that foggy frosty morning.

In completely unrelated news:
Right now CMT's playing the video for Jimmy Buffett's "Bama Breeze"--a tribute song to the businesses that got wiped out in Katrina. I like the song and the video, and the hope for rebuilding:
At The Bama Breeze
You're one of our own down there
You never drink alone down there
Good God I feel at home down there
At The Bama Breeze
You can drink some beer down there
Argue laugh and cheer down there
Pass another year down there
Second set the owner LuLu
Gets up with the band
A beer in her hand
And sings Freebird slow
Then she raises a toast:
"Here's to Ronnie & The Boys
Now everybody make some noise"


Anonymous said…
Hello, ran across picture of Vedauwoo. Do you have any other pictures of Veedauwoo? I am originaly from Wyoming living in Norway. I miss the climbing and googled Vedauwoo and found your site. Have anymore pics? Would like to show some of my friends more pics, I have so few. Tina My email is

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