red light rant

So it's not actually the red lights that bother me. What I really want to rant about is yellow lights. Why people gotta run em? This is something I don't understand. Is it that they're just not paying attention, so that by the time they notice they just decide to keep on cruisin? Or is it some kind of lame-o thrill-seeking thing for people who aren't really thrill seekers? Or is it selfishness? Or hurriedness? I doubt that people are really in as big a hurry as they sometimes think they are. What are they rushing to, the computer so they can email their pals on myspace? Don't get me wrong--I understand that some people have real lives and real jobs. But they're not the ones who're running the yellow lights, typically. At least not in my town.

In other news: more snow! The last three mornings I've awakened to find new dustings of snow covering the ground. By midday the snow has been melting off, but today it seems to be more persistent. We've had thick wet flakes making furious assaults on the streets and trees and sidewalks, off and on all day, and then sunshine burning through the clouds to warm things up again.

In other other news: I've got a date for Valentines! Or, more accurately, I'm going to serve as gourmet chef for my old neighbors Jeff and Natalie, who're going to come over with their daughter Hannah tonight. I'm gonna cook up some chicken broccoli pasta, unbag a salad, butter up some sourdough bread (but not broil it because the oven's still on strike), and open up the bottle of Merlot I bought yesterday. Since Jeff and Nat don't drink, it looks like I'll still have to finish off the wine by myself. Also, Nat is going to whip up a chocolate souffle, which is well worth my effort to make the rest of dinner. Should be a good time. I'm glad to have the company and to feel useful.


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