lonely friday

Hoo-wee! It's a windy one out there today. The plan for this evening was to get together with my friends Andy and Shanda from Rawlins, drive up to Cheyenne and meet my friend George from Sidney, eat some steak at the Outback, and then watch the UW club hockey team whup on Air Force at the Tace John's Center. Now it looks like we'll all just stay put: I-80's been closed from here to Cheyenne since this morning, and the wind's not much better between here and Rawlins. And Sidney got rain followed by snow, with lots of wind, which doesn't make for great travel weather. Also, I'm not sure Air Force will make the trip up; wind gusts up to 100 mph are expected along the Front Range.

I think they should shoot meat-and-potato burritos out of a canon at the Taco John's Center, where they play the hockey games. Ole! Ole, ole, ole. Ole! Ole!

Liz broke her nose after she passed out after getting sick from salmonella after eating the peanut butter from Walmart.

More snow! I love it. Even when it ruins my Friday plans! Now I'll probably just end up watching a movie and drinking hot cocoa. Maybe I'll order myself a pizza for dinner tonight, too. Either that or I'll take Liz some dinner and watch 'About a Boy' with her, my second time watching it this week. I watched it on Valentines, too, after Jeff and Nat went home. That show really cracks me up; I like its dark, dry humor. Like when Marcus throws the giant loaf of bread into the pond and kills the duck. Or when Will is taking calls for Amnesty International and asks the girl whether she's got a boyfriend. Or Will's reaction to Fiona's trip to the hospital after her suicide attempt: "It was terrible! Terrible! But driving really fast behind the ambulance was fantastic!"


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