
Showing posts from August, 2012

coordinates: 3, 10

Monday night, I spent the evening 3 blocks from my house, 10 rows back from the stage, being absolutely blown away by Mumford and Sons. I intended to write about the concert right away, and now I've waited too long and will fall into cliches.  But I still want to say something . For one thing,  I put some new words to the way I've already felt about live music.  Or maybe I just understand the feeling slightly better now: I want to be with people, but I want to experience live music--especially really fucking good live music-- by myself.  Individually.  Internally.  Selfishly. Not with the self-consciousness of wondering whether I should be dancing more. (Or less.)  Not with the expectation that I should acknowledge the responses of others except when I want to.  Not with any small fragment of hope that anyone else at the concert can feel the music in the same way I do.  Alone: intensely alone. On the other hand, though, here's a small e...