
Showing posts from January, 2012


Finally got some snow today, a few inches mid-afternoon, and a forecast predicting more tomorrow.  Here's the view from my office window earlier today.  Most days you can Medicine Bow Peak there to the left of the evergreens.  Not today, though....

Really, pandora?

Today pandora tells me that I will like a song about shooting all the other kids , since I like songs about caves, thistles, winter winds, and little lion men . Oddly enough, pandora is right.  Well played, pandora.  Well played.
In other news, I mighta ruined my birthday cake by leaving out the egg yolks.  I'm pretty sure I'm gonna it eat anyway--it's just a little bit, um,  flatter  than it should be.  I'm okay with that.  It's all about the frosting anyway.