apparently BMG music club shut its doors sometime this summer. Alas, no more 12 for 1 cd specials. Alas, no more random Michael Bolton cds turning up in my mailbox. Alas, the end of the lick-em-and-stick-em pictures of albums and such. Is there a digital equivalent to BMG? iTunes and Amazon don't seem to be quite the same--there none of that "what a deal" feeling, really, no sense of "more is SO MUCH LESS!" awesomeness. Scanning through the list of the top 100 sellers during BMG's six-decade run (current through 2002), I think I only had a half-dozen of these discs. (And probably two or three of them came from BMG) . But since Britney's Pears and Janet Jackson seem to be disproportionately represented here, I'm not sure I feel bad about not being an average BMGer. But still, it's sad news, the end of an era, yet another nail in the coffin of the cd. This all reminds me: I need to find somebody who will lend me a tape player that records to ...